Wednesday, August 27, 2014

And so it begins....

  Mandy and I had a chance to watch cable television today in a friend's home. We do not have cable in our home, and so this was a treat. I decided to turn on A&E's Scared Straight.
(WARNING: language....remember, peeps, this is prison!)

  Scared Straight is a program where teenaged terrors are sent to prison for a day where, with help from guards and current prisoners, they learn the error of their delinquent ways. The show is frightening, fascinating and, yes, funny. Seriously, the show makes a "team control" ( a hospital's version of a patient takedown) look like an afternoon spent hanging out with Rebecca on Sunnybrook Farm.

 Mandy ate it right up. I explained that some of the kids on the show probably started middle school much like she plans to...full of hopes and dreams. Then, something distracted them. Drugs, alcohol, truancy, promiscuity, the list goes on.

 We talked about agency and making positive choices that benefit ourselves and   others. And, then, I shared with  Mandy the Back To School 2014 theme for our family :

                                            While I am in my early years
                                           I'll prepare most carefully
                                           So I can marry in God's temple
                                           For eternity
                                                                        (  from "Families Can Be Together Forever" )


(less than an hour away in Belmont, this place)

 I am a Mormon, and I believe being worthy of entering the Temple (as mentioned in the above hymn) is essential to living a good mortal life. This privilege is qualified by keeping high standards of faith and purity. Living these standards can help anyone, and I explained this to my daughter, a Catholic. Following the Word of Wisdom **, being chaste and following Heavenly Father's commandments are, without a doubt, the ticket to success not only here in this mortal life but through eternity as well.

   It is my hope that Mandy and Isabella feel the love of their Heavenly Father as they navigate the somewhat trying years of middle school and that, perhaps, they can touch the lives of others,

PS-Don't despair....the snark comes back soon, my friends....and there is plenty to share!

**No, Word of Wisdom isn't the name of a heavy metal find out what it is, go to!!!